Who is Spritez?

My Name is Sprite Chow which is a programmer. My website (Workpress) is written about programmer life.
Welcome to Spritez homepage
My Name is Sprite Chow which is a programmer. My website (Workpress) is written about programmer life.
Because the competition need to use website, so began to develop my website.
Extreme Web Designer Award On 2009 - Cha Siu Bao - 叉燒包
This award is a competition within the six universities. The main test is promoting the use of Web standards and good usability and accessibility best practices as well as aesthetically pleasing visual designs.
Software Engineering Competition in Open University (1st) on 2009
This award is the school of internal competition. In this competition about 20 teams, there are three teams to get 1st, which one is me.
Period: January 2011
Website : 集合全城各大團購網站至抵至 hit 團購優惠 - Qdeal.hk 團購大全
Deties:Period: January 2014
Website : 佛羅倫斯鐘錶 - Firenze Watches
Deties:Period: January 2015
Website : 藍妹有機農莊 - Blue Girl Organic Farm